Dragon Series - Solid Fuel Thermal Oil Boiler

Dragon Series solid fuel thermal oil boiler operates at high temperatures and low pressure. The heat transfer oil used in the system can be utilized for a long time as it does not cause scaling, coking, or other negative effects in the boiler.

There is no need for a conditioning unit in the heat transfer oil. Ekotek Heating Technologies can produce a fuel feeding system with rotary grates and moving piston grates with high capacity, depending on the type of fuel. For the use of fuel with a flame temperature above 1200°C, you can request information from Ekotek engineers and officials.

Thermal oil is used in thermal oil boilers. Heat transfer oils are selected according to the heat load of the system to be used. Upon request, the system can be designed by Ekotek Heating Technologies as a nitrogen-padded closed system or an atmospheric open system.

Technical Specifications

Our product series can be customized according to your needs. For details, review our products or contact us through the request form.

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